Business References:
You should Yelp and other reference about the company you are choosing and how they have preformed for other clients in the past.
Tenant Screening Services:
Make sure the company you are choosing offers extensive background checks include Dept of Motor Vehicles, Criminal and Employment checks.
Licensed By Department of Real Estate:
Property Management is a licensed activity in most States and there are federal laws that prevent discrimination based on Sex, Race, National Origin, Sexual Orientation, Family Status, Martial Status and Disability. HUD’s Fair Housing Website has some good information on what constitutes discrimination and untrained Property Management staff can get you into serious trouble with the law.
Eviction Services:
Finally, another critical service that a property management company should offer is Evictions in case you tenants are not making timely payments. For a complete list of Property Management Services we offers, visit Homestretch Properties site.
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