Property Management Agreemnent

Property Management Agreement (image:

Do you manage your own properties in Silicon Valley?  Are you worried about rental scams on your properties?

Well, there is help from company called Cozy which should eliminate the scam artist who list your home on CraigsList and collect applications fees from unsuspecting tenants.

Funded by Google Ventures, Cozy has some unique features that should help small landlord with their tenant screening and online rent collection.  Some of these services were only available from large property management companies or by application vendors such as PropFolio requiring steep monthly payments which made the unsuitable to small landlords.

But these services are not available from Cozy for $9 per month for each unit/house you manage.  Some of these services are:

1) Online applications: Managing paper applications is a huge headache.  With Cozy each applicant can create a profile for your property which you can then review side by side to select the best candidate for your property. With the growing popularity of Cloud Computing  application like Cozy, concerns about security and privacy will become more pronounced which will put pressure on small landlords to devise strategies to protect their tenants identity and privacy.  We believe Cozy offers a neat solution to help small landlords avoid these challenges at a very reasonable cost.

2) Credit Check:   If you were going to accept online applications on your own website, there would be huge hurdles to climb as far as data protection and data privacy.   All these concerns are eliminated by using Cozy since they are the one’s who are collecting the tenants social security numbers to generate these reports.

3) Online Payments:  No longer you have to wait for your tenants check to clear to be able to allocate and use the funds.  Since the payments are debited directly from your tenants account, they are available to you right away.

Have you used Cozy? What do you think?  We would like to hear from you.


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