Right Tenants

Right Tenants

Do you market your own rental properties?  Do you create your own ads for your rental homes?!

If you market your own properties for rent, you might be well advised to take the Zilow Quiz for Property Owners.

As a landlord you need to have sufficient knowledge about Fair Housing Laws which are designed to protect the right  of minorities, elderly and immigrants from housing discrimination

The quiz will test your knowledge of the Fair Housing laws which are developed to prevent discrimination based on based on their sex, religion, nationality and ethnicity.  Zillow Quiz is good since it displays sample advertising that most people use and then would ask you if it is legal to advertise your renal with such ads or not.

For instance if your ad mentions that the apartment is a good deal for “2 female tenants” can be flagged for discrimination based on gender.

Also, any questions about the discovery of conviction record in a tenants profile in their previous rental is also illegal.  Could you deny this applicant based on this information?  The answer is no.

Even though this could potentially cause problems for you in case your tenant distributes drugs from your rental home.

Finally, one of the questions dealt with the amount of time you as the landlord will have to return your previous tenants deposit?  The law in California requires that the security deposit must be returned within 30 day so the move-out day, no exceptions.  Some landlords are under the mistaken notion that they have 60 days to walk through, inspect and then return the money.

That’s why it might be a wise move to hire a property manager to help you with your Los Gatos rentals.

 Contact Us if you need help with your rentals.


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