It was not long ago that when you wanted to find apartments or house for rent, you only choice was the dreaded Craigslist! But recent batch of Smart Phone apps can turn the painful task of searching for apartments to a manageable task. We recerntly review an app from a San Francisco company Lovely. Another one of these application is from which is called Zillow Rental. Zillow Rental offer several filter on :
1) Price : Sliding bar allows users to determine the maximum price they want to pay for rent.
2) Bedrooms: Number of Bedrooms that user can select from 1+, 2+….etc
3) Bathrooms: Similar to bedrooms
4) Home Type: House, Apartments,
5) Pets Allowed
6) On-Site parking
7) In-Unit Laundry
8) Square Feet
9) Lot Size
10) Keyword
Zillow app’s filters are the most comprehensive of the most of the Rental apps we have reviewed. Also it appears they are displaying much large inventory of rentals compared to Trulia and Lovely.
The iphone version of Zillow Rental was last updated in July 18, 2013 which is a good indicator that the vendor is making continues updates to the app. Unlike Lovely there is no need to create a profile on Zillow Rental which is something we prefer specially due to privacy concerns of most users. I guess we might have entered a new territory with NSA listening to every one of our calls and monitory our every moves, so what’s the harm of posting your 700 FICO score on an iPhone app.
In short, we like Zillow Rental which offers much more usable interface offered by CraigsList and less intrusion of privacy than Lovely.
Have you used this iphone app!? Let us know what you think?
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