1) Hardship Letter: Hardship is the letter that states your reasons as to why you are no longer unable to make the payments on your home.
2) Financial Statements: You will need to supply two most recent Monthly Bank Statements showing ALL pages.
3) List of Assets and Liability: This is a spread sheet that documents your monthly income and expenses along with your Assets such as 401K, Stocks…etc.
4) Taxes: You will be required to supply 2 years of Taxes filed with IRS.
5) Pay Stubs for the past 30 days or 2 consecutive pay periods
6) Income/Expense and Asset Statement
7) Listing Agreement showing your property has been listed with a Short Sale Agent.
8) Fully Executed Purchase Contract -signed by Buyers and Sellers
9) HUD 1 – Settlement Statement showing how much your bank will NET
10) Fully Executed Short Sale Addendum
Contact us for FREE evaluation your eligibility for a Short Sale.
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