Los Gatos Fixer Upper

Los Gatos Fixer Upper

Adding sweat equity is one of the best way to make very good money in Real Estate.  Buying Fixer Uppers and doing a Small Kitchen and bath remodels on them is a sure way to find some very good return on your sweat equity.  But finding a Campbell Fixer Upper these days is tougher than finding an honest Used Car Dealer! And the recent price increases have also made it harder to find bargains in San Jose.  Blow are the Top 4 sources of finding Campbell Fixer Upper that we use for our clients:

1)  Craigs List:  Some owners have taken the initiative to market their own home on CraigsList.  But the poor interface and inabilyt to set up search agents makes it very cumbersome to search for properties here.  But with the tight inventory, any source of good San Jose Fixer Uppers can NOT be ignored.

2) Campbell Short Sales:   Our last Campbell Short Sale which closed this month was approved in 13 days. So, Short Sales are good sources of Campbell Uppers, specially since the lenders are offering cash incentives to home owners for relocation.

3) REOs: Even though REOs are selling at market prices, they still represent a decent opportunity for the investors who know how to negotiate with the banks on these sales. But the inventory of REOs has declined to a mere trickle these days.

4) FSBO:  For Sale By Owner properties also offer opportunity to pick up a fixer upper that might be a good candidates  for flips.  Our recommendation is however, to have a Realtor draft the purchase contract and help you with the escrow.

5) Auctions:   If you are living in a Trustee Sale States such as California, Auctions also represent a decent opportunity to purchase Fixer Uppers for cash.  We have developed series of articles on potential of winning at auctions in different cities including San Jose,  Los Gatos, Los Altos, Redwood City, Milpitas just to name a few that you can read.

6) Walk the Dog:  We are working on at least 3 fixer upper properties in our immediate neighborhood.  So, there are every where and good agents visit at least 2 home owners every day.

Finally, you notice we did NOT even mention Bank Owned REOs since the inventory of these REOs have declined to so few that the competition on them is not worth the headache.  Where do you find your fixer uppers?!

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