Backyard Waterfall

Backyard Waterfall

Santa Clara Water district announced the water conversation guidelines on June 13, 2015 and the measure are drastic.  While the State government is recommending a 25% reduction of every households water usage in 2013; the Santa Clara Water district is mandating a 30% reduction.  A quick glance of these measure make it clear that Swimming Pools in California will become endangered species or at least a liability since the district will not allow filing of the pool.  The Santa Clara Water district also requires leaking pools to be repaired as well.

Below is the short list of these measures that will impact everyone who has a garden, lawn or a pool for that matter:

  • No use of water for the complete filling or complete refilling of swimming pools.*
  • No use of water for decorative fountains or the filling or topping off of decorative lakes or ponds. Exceptions are made for use of recycled water, or to sustain aquatic life, provided that such animals are of significant value and have been actively managed within the water feature prior to declaration of a supply shortage.

* Topping off of pools up to one (1) foot is allowed.  Leaking pools that need repair are exempt.

And as if these water restrictions for your Los Gatos pool were not challenging enough, here are the watering restrictions for your lawn and garden:

  • Watering days: Do not water outdoors more often than two (2) days per week. Even numbered addresses water on Tuesday and Friday and odd numbered addresses as well as properties with no address water on Monday and Thursday.
  • No watering between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM and irrigation cannot exceed fifteen (15) minutes per zone per day with exceptions made for zones exclusively using drip irrigation, low precipitation sprinkler heads that apply water at or less than 1.0 inches per hour, hose with a positive shutoff device, or hand held bucket or similar container.
  • No use of drinking water for washing driveways, sidewalks, and other hard surfaced, non-porous areas.
  • No irrigation use for 48 hours after measureable rainfall (1/4 inch).
  • No washing of cars, buses, boats, aircraft, trailers or other vehicles, except at a commercial car washing facility that utilizes a re-circulating water system to capture and reuse water.
  • No use of potable water for construction purposes, including washing streets, backfill, and dust control unless no other source of water or other method can be used.
  • Operators of hotels and motels are to provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily and promptly display notice of this option.

For the complete list of these mandatory requirements please contact your local Water District in California.