San Jose Short Sale

San Jose Short Sale

Do you have Wells Fargo loan for your San Jose home?  Was this loan originated by Wachovia bank ?

Well, as you know Wells Fargo acquired Wachovia several years ago and inherrited a lot of their troubled subprime loans. And now they want to get these bad loans off their books.    And you might be in a good spot since they are offering as much as $30,000 for relocation!

I wish someone would pay us that much to sell our house and move.  But no such luck since we do not have a Wachovia loan.  But given the fact Wells Fargo is offering much larger cash incentives,  we are advising our San Jose short Sale clients to decline HAFA Short Sale option.

We help our clients with Short Sale forms and when they complete this by a 3rd party Authorization form we will able to discuss their loan details and options with Wells Fargo.

So, if you are getting mail from Wells Fargo since there might be an early Christmas present from them to help you get ride of your underwater mortgage.  These incentive letters have expiration dates which is requires the home owners to contact the Wells Fargo if they are interested in taking advantage of these incentives for their San Jose Short Sale.

And even if have completed your bankruptcy you might still be eligible to receive these incentives for relation from Wachovia on your San Jose Short Sale.  Wells Fargo Home Mortgage incentive program is supposed to be more conservative at 25  which is good incentive for home owners whose home will never recover in value.

Contact Us if you have any questions on your Wachovia Short Sale since these are limited time offers from these lenders who are offering Cash for Short Sales.


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