Los Gatos Homes

Los Gatos Homes

Do you have any Los Gatos rentals?  When was the last time you increased the rent?

Los Gatos rents have spiked significantly and we wanted to share some results of rental survey for August 2015.  You can review the results of the survey to adjust your los gatos rents.    In fact, we conducted a search on a Los Gatos based rental we now manage.  This is a 3 bedroom and 2 bath with about 1,800 sqft size.  RentoMeter site reported the following data:

This report shows that in 95032 zip code for Los Gatos:

  • Median Rent:  $4,240 per month
  • Average Rent:  $4,240 per month
  • 35 – 3 bedroom rentals
  • 60% between: $3,126 – $5,232
  • 80% between: 2,572 – $5,789

Los Gatos has 2 school districts.  The highest rental incomes in Los Gatos are for homes that are within the Los Gaos-Saratoga school district.  Homes in the Leigh High School district fetch slightly lower rent.  Los Gatos high school is one of the highly ranked schools in the region with most graduates heading to prominent colleges.   Blossom Hill elementary school also offer great start for Los Gatos based families.  Fisher Middle school is located within 5 minutes of downtown Los Gatos.

But what makes Los Gatos such a unique place to live is above and beyond just the schools.  Los Gato has an adorable downtown with small shops and restaurants including Apple store.  Recently renovated library is also a wonderful asset to the town residents.

But that’s just our opinion after living here for more than 10 years.  Why do you call Los Gatos home?  Are you paying too much rent?  How are you able to charge such a high rent?

We would love to hear from you.