PLEASANTON — A plan to allow construction of 25 homes at the Centerpointe Church site was approved by the City Council Tuesday night before a large and sharply divided audience.

The vote was 4-1 on the Pleasanton council to rezone 4.2 acres of church land so Ponderosa Homes can build 25 homes there. A Montessori school will remain on adjacent property where the church used to run a preschool.

Centerpointe Church officials backed the rezoning, saying they face financial pressures to sell the land near Valley Avenue and Busch Road and lease space elsewhere in town.

Opponents said the new homes will tax water supplies and overcrowded schools, and take away one of the few city locations designated for churches, schools, or other institutional buildings.

Councilwoman Karla Brown cast the lone dissenting vote.

Contact Denis Cuff at 925-943-8267. Follow him at


