vacation rentals

vacation rentals

Is it time to find a nice Vacation Rental?!  Despite beautiful design of the Vacation Rental site by NY Times we were not impressed by the selection and the choices were rather limited.   In fact, some of the choice had no selections such as Bermuda which beg the questions why add a menu item to a section where there is nothing available to choose.

The lay of the NYT’s Vacation Rental is neatly designed and shows the following 9 options which allow the users to choose based on their interest such as Beach or Ski in addition to to destinations themselves such as California.  

We like the nice layout of the site into destinations such as:

1) New York City – Midtown, Brooklyn, Chelsea, East Village, Upper West Side, Upper East Side

2) New England  – Hamptons, Vermont, Massachusetts, ProvinceTown, Main

3) Carribean – Jamica, Puerto Rico, St. Lucia, Bermuda, Bahamas

4) Europe – France, Spain, Italy, Greece, United Kingdome

5) California – Napa valley, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angles, Palm Springs

6) Florida – Key West, Miami, Oralndo, Palm Beach, Boca Raton

7) Lakes – Lake Tahoe, Traverse City, Mackinac Island, Adrondacaks

8) Ski – Aspen, Stowe, Vail, Parky City, Alberta

9) Beach – Hilton Head, Hawaii, Hamptons, Myrtle Beach, Montauk
In contrast to NYT Vacation Rentals, the upstart Airbnb offers users much more options to select their vacation rental such as Number of Guest and Destinations.   What’s powerful about the AirBnb’s offering is that each location has been reviewed which is very helpful in identifying any potential problems that are not be discovered through pictures.  

For instance, the location could be very noisy or could have poorly trained property managers who have not been responsive to the guests demands.   Airbnb gets our nod for tons of selection.  For instance their London guide has more than 47 neighborhoods to choose from with sub-categories such as Dinning, Shopping, Night Life…etc.

Finally, Airbnb’s San Francisco section has more than 1,000 listings in contrast to NY Times Vacation Rental which has only 34 istings in San Francisco.

This might be a case of old print media competing in online sphere where upstart companies such a Airbnb have much better grasp of new age travelers and their needs. 

What do you think?  Have you used any of these sites reviewed here?

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