

If you are interested in a Campbell property in your neighborhood and want to know it’s value, all you will need is you Smart phone and an app called Homesnap!  Thanks to this app a photo of the home is all you would need to get a value range for this Campbell home in your neighborhood.
With Homesnap you will be prompted to take a photo of the Campbell home you are interested in pricing.   Then using the GPS antenna a map of the immediate area is displayed.  You will be prompted to identify the exact property that they want to price. The rest is sort of magic sine the app will display the following information on the Campbell home:

  • Property Address
  • Number of Bedrooms
  • Number of Bathrooms
  • Size  (By Sqft)
  • Lot Size (by Acres)
  • Value Estimate (Low, High)

User then can then add a Comment or Mark this home as a Favorite in addition to posting the information through Email, Facebook, or Twitter.  In our case the app did NOT display any new photos since we know the property has not been on the market for a long time.  The app then offers the users an option to Save their favorite homes and email, post or publish the information to Twitter or Facebook.  

Homesnap app  is Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch (4th generation), iPod touch (5th generation), iPad 2 Wi-Fi, iPad 2 Wi-Fi + 3G, iPad (3rd generation), iPad Wi-Fi + 4G, iPad (4th generation), iPad Wi-Fi + Cellular (4th generation), iPad mini and iPad mini Wi-Fi + Cellular. Requires iOS 6.0 or later. This app is optimized for iPhone 5. The app also support Android phones as well.  

According to Homesnaps website they have information on more than 90 million homes in their catalog.  The pro of the Homesnap are obvious which is a neat opportunity to find your Campbell homes details.  However, we would love to be able to have the app linked to the Public Records so we could identify the San Jose home owners and mortgage history.

We believe Homesnap provide a valuable tool for investors and home buyer who can use it to track home sales activity in their immediate neighborhood.

What do you think?!  We would like to hear from you.

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