We recently reviewed the iphone app for finding rental properties from a San Francisco company Lovely. Another competing product for finding Rental properties is from Trulia called TruliaRental. Similar to most location based application, to offer apartment hunters an advantage on their competition which is the speed since the rental market is so competitive that 1st person who responded to the Landlord’s advertisement will have an unfair advantage.
Party as a result of the Foreclosure crisis, the demand for rental properties is outpacing the supply in majority of large US cities, so if a rental apartment hits the market, your ability to respond and see it quickly become critical in securing good rentals. Our own rentals in Los Gatos would have benefits from this app since the ease of use and the detailed information about the potential tenant is a benefit for most landlords. This app allows for users to create search agents for rentals with specific criteria which is then pushed to their iphone once such a search new rentals become available. The user then can quickly contact the landlord for appointment and follow up.
Trulia Rental is now available nationwide. The iphone version of the app was last updated in July 24, 2013 which is a good sign that the app is still being updated. The app offers the users an opportunity to Save listing and quickly get in touch with the landlord. Another features of the app is that the Renter can create a profile including some information about the job and credit profile which we find a bit risky specially in such an early stage in the process without user seeing any Privacy declaration. I guess we might have entered a new territory with NSA listening to every one of our calls and monitory our every moves, so what’s the harm of posting your 700 FICO score on an iPhone app.
Unlike the Lovely rental app, Trulia Rental offers an Amenities including School, Restaurant and Heatmaps, Satelite and Hybrid maps. The best features of these application is that the users don’t need to interrupt their workday much in order to see new opportunities, or to contact owners for more information. This app shows users a map of their chosen city, along with numbers showing geographic clusters of available apartments. So if there are 5 listings in one small area, the user will see a number 5 in that neighborhood on the map. The numbers are color coded by their relevancy making it easy for renters to see which are the newest homes on the market. Trulia Rental offers much more usable interface offered by Craigslist which is unusable.
Have you used this iphone app!? Let us know what you think?
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