Los Gatos Curb Appeal

Los Gatos Curb Appeal

Are you thinking about selling your home?  Does your home leave a good 1st impression?  Does it have a good curb appeal?

Well, you are not alone if your home’s exterior does not create an inviting and intriguing 1st impression.  Some times the simplest ideas and tweaks deliver the best results for creating a unique 1st impression.

Here are 5 quick, inexpensive ideas to turn a drab, boring front lawn to create an inviting feeling:

Paint the Front Door:  Try painting the front door.   Use a strong color such a lipstick Red.  When it comes to paint you have tons of options and consult Kelly Moore or Home Depot’s Paint Counter to give you all the tools you need to paint.

Flower Boxes under window: Install flower boxes under the street facing windows.  These are inexpensive and can offer you the opportunity to add colors.  Both IKEA and Home Depot have the boxes that are easy to install.  However, make sure the boxes are clear enough from the siding to avoid water damage.

 New Hour Number:  Try installing a new house number that matches the finish of of the door handle and other visible trims.

Flower Bed:  Plant a new flower bed inline with the sight of anyone who would be walking towards the front door.  This is an inexpensive way to add more color to your front lawn and create an appealing look.  Make sure you are picking the seasonal flowers so they would last the entire time you plan to market your home for sale.

Mailbox: You would be surprised, but a well designed mail box or even a colorful mailbox can add a huge amount of accent to an ordinary looking home exterior.

If you have a front porch, you can also get creative and add a small round table with 2 chairs,but make sure they are not too big that would make the porch look small.

For more ideas on making your home more appealing, flow this blog or on twitter at @myREoexchange