by Leila Mortaz | May 22, 2014 | Home Seller Tips, Real Estate (Residential), San Jose Short Sales, Short Sales
Do you have Wells Fargo loan for your San Jose home? Was this loan originated by Wachovia bank ? Well, as you know Wells Fargo acquired Wachovia several years ago and inherrited a lot of their troubled subprime loans. And now they want to get these bad loans off...
by Leila Mortaz | May 20, 2014 | Home Seller Tips, Real Estate (Residential), Residential Mortgage, San Jose Short Sales, Short Sale Expert Advice, Short Sales
Even though home prices have risen in the 1st half of 2014, there are more than 4,500 Wells Fargo loans which are still underwater. One alternative to avoid a foreclosure could be a Short Sale for your San Jose home. In contrast to a foreclosure which will severely...
by Leila Mortaz | May 17, 2014 | Real Estate (Residential), Residential Mortgage, San Jose Short Sales, Short Sale Expert Advice, Short Sales
One of the agencies created as part of Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform act was Consumer Finance Protection Bureau. Ironically, the person championing the cause of creating such an agency was the current senator from Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren. The role of...
by Leila Mortaz | May 15, 2014 | Home Seller Tips, Los Gatos Short Sale, Real Estate (Residential), San Jose Short Sales, Short Sale Expert Advice, Short Sales
Despite the recent rise in home prices, some families in San Jose, Campbell, Saratoga and Los Gatos still have underwater mortgages that need to be rescued. 1) What is a Short Sale: Short sale is when a property is sold for less than the sum of all the loans on the...
by Leila Mortaz | May 9, 2014 | Home Buyer Tips, Real Estate (Residential), REOs, Short Sales
Are you buying homes at the court house auction? Are you paying cash in hopes of immediate possession? Well, you might be in for a rude awakening since there are risks associated with these purchases even if you are a seasoned bidder at these auctions. Even if you...
by Leila Mortaz | May 6, 2014 | Home Seller Tips, Real Estate (Residential), San Jose Short Sales, Short Sale Expert Advice, Short Sales
Have you decided to short sale your home? Are you negotiating with the bank? If you answered yes, is that you will need to know the Fair Market Value of your home before you start negotiating with the bank. The problem is that banks will order a Broker Price Opinion...