airbnb vacation rentals

airbnb vacation rentals

Do you have a vacation rental?  Are you marketing the rental yourself?  Well, the upstart Airbnb has created a well branded service to help vacation home owners marketing their homes.   The neat part of Airbnb is the marketing savvy they bring to the owner of a vacation home who might not be equipped to create glossy and flashy photos of their property.  And no one disputes the fees they are charging for these services.

However, when I mentioned Airbnb to a friend who has a vacation home in Santa Cruz was that he didn’t like the amount of control Airbnb folks maintain during the entire rental cycle.   In fact, what he was not happy that Airbnb not only becomes part of the screening process, but they are also part of the payment headache.

For instance if you vacation tenant is not happy with the services or amenities and they want to file a complaint with Airbnb after they have completed their stay, the services will not release the funds to you.  The disputed funds remain with Airbnb till it’s resolved.

Granted these sort of mediation services have worked fine for buying merchandise online with eBay, but when you are renting your $2m water front home in Santa Cruz through Airbnb, you don’t want to have the $5,000 weekend rental tied up in dispute.

What do you guys think?  Are you renting your vacation homes with Airbnb?  What has been your experience?

Let us know.