Home Improvement

Home Improvement

Are you tempted to sell your Silicon Valley home?  Are you wondering about some home improvements that could add huge value to you home?   Below are some small home improvement projects that can increase the resale value of your home without costing more than 10,000 dollars.

1) Remove a Wall:  Removing a wall to create a open floor feeling might be a very inexpensive move if the wall is not load bearing.    However, you need to be very careful with electrical outlets and make sure there are no vents or other plumbing pipes through the wall you plan to remove.

2) Create curb appeal:  Landscaping will go a long way in creating a positive first impression that can add value to your home.    Given that home owners have been asked to conserve water, you need to make sure to avoid plans that require a lot of water.  Stick to drought resistance plans and shrubs since we anticipate the voluntary conversation measures are headed to become mandatory.

3) Replace old windows:  Old single pain windows are visually poor and make your home look dated.  These windows are also inefficient.  You can replace these windows with either Vinyl or composite windows.  In fact, Anderson has released a new generation of windows called 100 Series that have the look and feel of wood windows, but they are from composite material.

4) New Kitchen Appliances:  Small kitchens remodels where you replace appliances are quick to pull off.  Just pick up your weekend paper where you will spot promotions for Stainless Steel appliances starting from $1,500 dollars for the low-end appliances.    If you have appliances that are White, it might be a good time to replace them before you list your home for sale.

5)Update your bathrooms:  You have heard the old saying that kitchens sell homes.  But small bathroom remodels are not far behind either and if you have old cracked tile and dirty grout showing with an old tub, then it might be time for a small bathroom remodel to get more money for your sale.

6) Paint:  If your home has dated colors that reminds you of your favorite sitcoms from 60s and 70s, then you need to paint.   And painting is inexpensive and quick to implement.

Naturally there are other home improvement projects you could attempt that will improve your home’s marketability.   But these are our Top 5 home improvement projects since they would have they are quick to perform and have powerful impact on home buyers.

What do you think?  What other projects