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When we are remodeling small fixer upper properties, the space is a premium, so you won’t have the luxury of focusing on pure design at the expense of functionality.  We faced these challenges during our Small Bathroom Remodel for a Los Gatos Fixer Upper in 2006 which allowed us to utilize some neat Architectural Design Elements that created very neat looks while serving valuable functions.  

 But as you can see from the photos above the project was a huge success in creating a Small, well designed and functional bathroom that was instrumental in our sale of the property with a substantial ROI.   So we wanted to share some of the most critical decision that we made that helped us succeed with this Small Bathroom Remodels for our Fixer Upper flips:

1) Functional Architecture Elements:  We  used the openings in the walls to create Functional Architectural elements.   After all, this was a Small Bathroom Remodel and there is no room for using the premium space for just architectural elements at the expense of function!    So, we added an arched opening in the Wall which encompassed the mirror serving as a Shelf at the same time.   We repeated the same design elements in the kitchen where the arched Wall cavity created a Spice Rack saving us precious Counter-Top space.   Using Rounded Corners for the Sheet Rock created a very neat look as you can see from the photos above.

2) Material Selection:   This was a tough battle between Cost, Function and Feeling as it is with most design related decision.   But once again since the space is at a premium, you need to insert into every material and design decision.   We selected a Pedestal Sink since it occupies much less space and also long base added made the space feel talker.   

3) Revolving Commercial Card:  Managing the expenses of Small Bathroom Remodels can turn into a full time task if you are doing multiple Fixer Upper flips.  So we have been using Revolving Commercial Credit Card from companies such as Home Depot or Lowe’s to document and itemize our expenses based on a Project Name.   When using these cards for material purchases; you are prompted to enter PO or Project Name at Check Out.  You can enter the Project Name that is relevant for each project.   For simplicity we use the Street Name for the Property Location. This way, your accountant can clearly identify and allocated the expenses to the right project which would be handy at tax time. Mind you, there are good iPhone apps that you can use to document your expense; but that creates another project for you to manage which you might not have time for.  

What has made your Flips successful?!   Let us know.

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