Los Gatos Bird Watching

Los Gatos Bird Watching

As if we didn’t have enough reasons to call Los Gatos home, this coming week’s calender is full of neat events for you to enjoy while visiting Los Gatos.   One of events which should be fun and educational is a bird watching tour along the Vasona Park lake which happens this coming Wednesday, June 11, 2014 at 10:30 AM.  The event ends around 2:30 pm with a picnic.

This walk is organized by Bay Area Older Adults which schedules theme based walks around the bay area lakes, trails and historical sites.  This group offers educational hikes about topics of local interest including San Andreas Fault,  waterfalls and watersheds, wine, redwood forest ecology, local mining history, Ohlone Indians, climate change wildflowers, breeding birds and butterflies.

All of the group hikes include a picnic lunch.  Registration is required since space is limited, Once you register for any event, the organizer of that event will notify you with the details of the meeting location and all the important information to prepare you for the hike.

Granted they would have picked a better group name, but their activities are worth exploring specially if you are new to the area and want to explore it by hiking on a regular basis.

The bird watching hike is a slow paced leisurely three–mile walk along Vasona Lake to observe nesting Snowy Egrets, Great Herons and other wildlife.  Binoculars will be available for close–up views.   But feel free to bring your own camera or binoculars if you don’t want to share .   The hike will end with a picnic lunch by the lake.

To register for this and other hikes by this group Visit their website using this link:

Bay Area Older Adults Registration   

And enjoy your visit to Los Gatos.