
Say No To California

Image by Frugal-Cafe

Recent survey of a CNBC of “2013 Cost of Living Ranks” produced an interesting list of State where businesses prefer to set up shop.  Needless to say our beloved State of California did not make the cut since California tops another list which is the “2013 Worst Places to do Business“.  California ranks 47 out of 50 States when it comes to 

10) Mississippi – With Median Home price of $248,167, the State leads the list of the most affordable places to live.  

9) Texas – Median Home prices in Houston Metro Area is $239,040.  But with that price comes other neat challenges where your children will not be allowed to learn about Evlotion since Texas has banned 

8) Kansas (tie) – Average Home Price on Dodge City is 261,000 and a T-Bone Steak costs $9.50.

7) Arkansas (tie) – Average Home Price is $301,250 and monthly electric bills are $134.64.

6) Indiana – Average Home price in Fort Wayne Indiana is $284,543 and a T-bone Steak costs $11.19. Monthly Electric bills are $114.72.

5) Nebraska – With a cost of $263,000 for the Average Home Price and T-Bone steak at 10.99, Nebraska ranks number 5 among the 2013 Cost of Living Rank.

4) Kentucky – Average Home price in Louisville Metro Area is $232,139 and a half gallon of milk costs only $1.96.  

3) Idaho – Average Home price in Boise where HP has transplanted a major portion of their printing business is $256,124 and a T-Bone steak costs $9.48.

2) Tennessee – Jackson County Metro home are priced on average at $211,238 which ranks Tennessee as the 2nd rank State to call home. 

1) Oklahoma – Average Home prices in Ponca City Metro area are $265,154 and a T-Bone Steak costs $10.22.

Given that housing comprises 40-45% of average house hold income, it’s not a surprise that California did NOT crack this list since the State has some of the highest home prices.   Couple that with the recent tax increases on high-income earners, the State is not doing much to attract businesses who already weary of the California’s tough stance on labor and environment.

Are you considering moving your businesses out of California?!   We would love to hear from you.

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